Monday, October 18, 2004

Avoiding Hijacking

L-e-t-’-s- -s-e-e. H-o-w- -d-o- -I- -d-o- -t-h-i-s- -a-g-a-i-n?

I am too tired to write anything, but the Warden has threatened to hijack my blog again, so I must at least enter something.

I have not the energy to summarize the past weekend, although yesterday’s comment “Wow” is a good synopsis. All I can do now is affirm the rumor that the guys get steak and shrimp. (Sorry gals, but chicken is better for you!!!!!) It is true, although they do not serve cocktail sauce with the jumbo shrimp. This is but one of the hardships we endured this weekend.

I hope to say more soon.


Cheri said...

Welcome back!