Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I Rise

The irises started coming out yesterday. Today, I believe, they have all bloomed. They seem to like the end of May. That’s been their pattern, except for two years ago when they never opened up. The irises are pretty consistent; but the sun also rises, and it’s always consistent. A few days ago we were beginning to wonder though. Our days would vacillate between dark gray and light gray. No hint of yellow or blue. Gray was beginning to feel natural. But now for two days straight—here comes the sun. Our yellow irises opened up just in time to welcome back that stranger that left us in April.

But I was thinking that our lack of blue and yellow has resulted in some of the most amazing green this spring. What we didn’t receive in those two primary colors, we were doubly blessed with in that secondary one. And we didn’t even have to move to Seattle.

It all reminds me of a song that frequently runs through my head. It’s about colors and especially green. Rich Mullins exhorts the Creator (does that take gall?) to be glad that You have made blue for the sky, and the color green that fills Your fields with praise. It’s interesting to contrast the fickleness of weather with the timing of the sun rise. The rising of the sun is consistent, yet it changes, yet that change is consistent, yet it appears different as a result of the seeming randomness of battling warm and cold fronts and highs and lows.

The past two mornings our blinds have become bright red (I think too early) as they are attacked by those premature morning rays. Blue and yellow and red are good, but gray is not always that bad either, especially as one tries to avoid making that transition back to the world of work.