Thursday, September 01, 2005


I had to walk to work today, sort of. The house we were taping is in the middle of a block which has the street torn apart. It was unusable for all motorized traffic. We all had to make a half dozen trips between van and house with our arms fully loaded. We spent the first hour of the day doing what normally would take about five minutes. And on top of that the house still does not have power, so we listened to the whine of the generator for the fifth straight day. And not all the windows have arrived, and the electricians and insulators and plumbers have not completely finished, so we’re not able to finish various sections all around the house. We feel like we’re spinning our wheels or moving in slow motion.

But none of us was complaining today. A quick glance at today’s newspaper cured us of any feeling sorry for ourselves. We were all grateful to leave a dry home and drive on dry roads (although under construction) and work at a dry house. May those circumstances come quickly to our neighbors to the south.