Saturday, September 17, 2005

Saturday’s post actually written and posted on Sunday

I was up early this morning (Saturday) reading the Star Tribune newspaper. It is a clear baby-blue sky day and the sun is starting to rise. I glance at the comics page and break out laughing. I ask myself if my condition (or my relation to a certain fad) puts me 20 years behind the times. I decide that this cartoon will be my re-entry into blogdom. But I wait to post. I go on reading. I find a compelling essay on the op-ed page by Sven (located just below Erik’s piece—it is the Minneapolis paper after all). I tell myself that I will also comment on Sven’s remarks. But then reality hits. I start to think about my day and number the things that need to be done. This will have to wait.

Later in the day I am interrogated by the Warden. She wants to know if I’ve read her blog. I answer in the negative, so she proceeds to tell me about it. She has posted a cartoon. I stand startled. Did she see the cartoon that I had seen? And was she so impressed that she had to post it? Probably not, since the comic below is not that great. But then I began to wonder if I actually posted it, and forgot about it, and she was responding in kind. No, I guess I’m not that forgetful yet.

But enough mindless chatter, below sits a cartoon that brought me joy and might bring me motivation to get with the latest fad. I hope others will also get a chuckle out of it.


Cheri said...

Glad to see that you are blogging again. We check in every day in hopes.....

Cute cartoon. Yes, I chuckled.