Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Have the tables been turned?

The fact that I am blogging more frequently than my wife does not seem right. For many years it has been her obsession. But her focus of late has turned to Scrabulous, the Scrabble-like application on facebook. She has many games going at once, and usually a few simultaneous ones against me. She continues to think that she might someday dethrone me as king. (Fat chance.) I try to be civil, but I just can’t keep my competitive nature in check. I continue to bury her, but I don’t feel guilty yet.

Maybe the loving thing to do is to continue to provide for her a high standard of play, to stretch her as a wordsmith and person. Yeah, that sounds believable (especially at this late hour.)

But as far as providing a good model in the blogging realm, she will have to look elsewhere.


Your Tim(e) Has Come said...

I'm very sorry for those unkind words. I'll probably have to do addition blogging time for penance.