Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Still lovin’ the iPod

Along with putting my music CDs on the little white hard drive, and putting my old LPs on it, lately I’ve loaded some college lectures on my iPod. I’m being completely weaned off of radio of late. I started by purchasing a set of American history lectures by Scott Davis titled “Don’t Know Much about History,” at the local half-priced book store. Thoroughly enjoying that, I decided to put some ching down on a series of CDs by philosophy professor Peter Kreeft. Part of Barnes and Noble’s Portable Professor Series, it is entitled “What would Socrates Do?” This is even better than the history set. But I do have to listen to it when I’m alone, for no one so far has shared my enthusiasm for the talks. The kids and spouse try to confiscate my iPod when I play them. They reach for the device and spin the wheel to something more to their liking. Oh well.

If I learn something from either of these guys I’ll have to blog about it some day. But for now, all I’ve learned is to play Kreeft or Davis when I’m alone and play the Beatles or Cat Stevens when I’m accompanied by strangers or strange ones, I mean loved ones.


Suzi said...

Hey, I didn't say I minded Peter Kreeft! Remember, he's the one who brought us together with "Between Heaven and Hell." (Maybe you can explain that one on a future blog...)He's just my not choice to listen to after working physically scraping walls during a 45 minute trip home.....then my choice would be Cat Stevens or of course Rich Mullins, Michael W Smith, or Fernando Ortega (if I'm not driving.......)etc.

Love you! --Suzi

Your Tim(e) Has Come said...


I'm glad you added that last qualifier. It can be hazardous listening to Fernando while driving. I can only listen to him if I've had a Starbucks double espresso. Or a Mountain Dew and Jolt mix.