Sunday, July 24, 2005

She’s Back (and she still loves me)

My son Mark and I tried to make the house feel as much like a bachelor pad as we could this past weekend. The dishwasher still contained dishes that my dear mother-in-law had loaded way back on Wednesday. The dog’s water dish was (close to) empty, even though the Warden had make specific mention that it must be refilled regularly in her instruction manual (not really, it was only a note) left on the dining room table. We made it feel comfortable.

Besides work and long naps and a few blogs and a Turner Classic Movie from 1953 entitled The Hitchhiker (I think I’m getting into this film noir thing) and two church services and two get-togethers with friends, I did absolutely nothing. My grand plans to put my life in order with all my free time sans spouse never materialized. Instead, I left the house as it was a half week ago, except for the few drops of water left in Raven’s dish.

But the funny thing is she was still happy to see me as she pulled into the driveway with my truck blocking her access to the garage. For you see the garage was a temporary storage space for phase one of cleaning out my truck. She had to stumble past tools and buckets before phase two happened this evening. But she was still happy to be home and still claims to love me. It must have been a rough time on the road.


Suzi said...

I love you always, not matter what. Thanks for being happy to see me, too. (At least I think you are.....)
Love, Suzi aka the Warden