Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More Piggy-backing Holidays

Back when I was at summer camp during my elementary school years, I was playing a huge group game something like dodge-ball or tag. The leader of the game was calling out certain people to be represented on a special team. The criterion for inclusion was having a birthday on a holiday. I very much wanted to be on that team. So I dug into the recesses of my brain and pulled out the fact that my birthday fell on that memorable and infamous “Women’s Suffrage Day.” Yes, you skeptics, it is a real holiday. August 26th is the anniversary of the day that women in the U.S. got the right to vote. And we’ve been suffraging ever since. (Just kidding.) Actually it’s kind of nice, because my wife took me to the polls this evening (and she even told me who to vote for!) What a country!!

But back to why I bring up this ancient memory. I had a birthday recently and once again I reached out and grabbed my wife’s age. I received some cool cards and stuff that day, but one item has quickly become part of my daily routine. It’s a simple item. It’s small. It’s black. It’s low tech. But, boy does it make reading easy. I can now eat and read with ease (two of my favorite activities.) My hands are free to feed my face while my eyes are free to quickly scan each page. Sometimes the greatest gifts in life are the simplest.