Saturday, September 30, 2006

News Flash

I might have a new favorite cut on THE album. Is it the Canadian idiot? Being that I’m surrounded by Canadians and former Canadians here in this North Star State, I better not admit to that. And white I can, to a great degree, relate to “White and Nerdy,” I was never in the glee club nor on the chess team.

The song that is me, or should I say us, is “Trapped in the Drive-Thru.” This epic, which runs longer than 10 minutes (for good reason), is taken directly from the weekly dialogue of me and my wife. I can’t figure out how he did it, but he possibly tapped into our cell phones (he’s an accomplished geek, you know) and transcribed our conversations. He did, however, substitute “Burrito King” for Arby’s in one verse. Other than that it’s pretty accurate.

It is our story. And now it is our song. And now we can now listen to it, all the day long.

I suppose our next obligation is to contact Al (we are his close personal friends, you know) and offer our faces for a possible video of the song. We have been busy this summer and that probably explains why he couldn’t reach us in time to include a video for this song on his just released CD and DVD combo.

Oh well, I am getting pretty hungry now. I better go hunt down my wife and see what she wants to do for brunch.