Sunday, August 07, 2005


I read a comment on my blog yesterday. I was amused that someone would actually take the effort to comment on my quirky little photo of a piece of popcorn that I stole from my wife’s bowl. I said, “you can’t eat that one, it’s the Michelin man.” The more I stared at it though, the more I thought that it really did look like him. And although the temptation to eat him was very strong, I exercised enough willpower to set him on the table and shoot him first.

But then came the surprising part. Suzi approached me with much excitement this morning. “Did you see that Kudzu commented on your blog?” she asked. I laughed and discounted it. But she continued, “yeah, Shane Blake, Kudzu.” Then the light went on. The Shane who commented is the one and only Kudzu, master of the “two’fer tuesday.” The fact that a real photographer commented on my photo, a lame attempt at humor (and an out of focus shot at that), is a bit humbling. I will never be in his league, but I do check his blog regularly to glean some inspiration.

But as far as shooting popcorn, I probably have the advantage. Living in the South, Shane’s life may be filled with Kudzu; but up North (and especially in this household), what the Indians called “maize” flows freely.