Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Silence of the Blogs Apologetic

In the words of the great Southern novelist Walker Percy: . . . In these times everyone is an apostle of sorts, ringing doorbells and bidding his neighbor to believe this and do that. In such times, when everyone is saying “Come!” it may be that the best way to say “Come!” is to remain silent. Sometimes silence itself is a “Come!”

Or maybe that’s just an excuse for sloth.


Your Tim(e) Has Come said...

Isn't life wonderful. I come home to open junk mail via the US Post Office. Then I sit down to eat dinner and have it interrupted by unwanted phone solicitations. So I sit down at my computer before going to bed and what do I find but spammed comments on my blog. But I suppose I should take "inquisitive" as a compliment. Is that somewhere between "intoxicating" and "monotonous?" Lucky me.