Sunday, July 18, 2004

Blessed are the Feet which keep their shoes on

I stumbled upon a new blog today.  Actually its highly esteemed curator informed me of its existence.  I deemed it worthy to receive a link on my blog since it’s a lot more profound than anything I can come up with (and he doesn’t even end sentences with prepositions.)  Mr. F. writes about being a pain in the a . . ., no correct that, I’m sorry, he writes about having  a pain in the . . ., no I guess it was lower than that.  Anyways, I break my Sabbath rest to recognize some guy who needs to wear shoes.  Maybe I should start a collection.  Is there a Doc Martin in the house?  Calling all podiatrists.  
Let’s protect this guy’s feet, and in turn protect young children’s ears.  After all it’s for the children.