Sunday, July 11, 2004

“F-in’” Dale

Because today’s political landscape is littered with the “F-bomb (coming from both sides),” our semi-monthly small group met last night to eat, play games, and razz a fellow comrade Dale F. His e-mail address is proudly listed as DaleF@ . . ., but some of us still couldn’t remember it.

As the leader of our group, he often receives what we feel it is our duty to dish out, namely ‘dis’es. Giving him a chance to experience humility (I hope it wasn’t humiliation,) we were lovingly referring to him last night as “F-in’” Dale—not the full word, just “F”. I think I will now actually remember his e-mail address. (Notice and appreciate that fine tie-in to yesterday’s blog!)

Mnemonics. That was actually a favorite subject of mine in high school and college. I still like to play games with words and phrases and systems to try to make them more memorable. A bad memory has truly hampered me throughout my life and I’ve been forced to seek out fun schemes to make it through life. I’ve actually read through The Memory Book twice. I set up reminders on my computer that beep at me. Problem is they usually go off to break my chain of thought while I try to blog.

But back to Mr. F. The Warden has been on his case for some time to check out her blog. Mr. F. is a very good writer is his own write, so he’s gotten some encouragement from the Swansmith over the months. Anyways, maybe as a result of the harassment, Mr. F. delighted us all (except his wife) with his very typical, frank comment last night that he is abstaining from the sauce until their family is enlarged. OK, maybe he used different language than that. I guess you’ll have to write to request a more literal quotation.

Well, here’s to you, Mr. F., we applaud your dedication and effort and pray God’s speed in your endeavor. And if you ever read this, sir, I demand that you treat me well and let me win at our game nights or I will post an ugly picture that I probably have on file right next to this blog. Enough said.


Your Tim(e) Has Come said...

Oh topmast,

You with your head in the clouds duly have my permission to inflict "Letters from the Crow's Nest" upon the unsuspecting masses, which will like young chicks open their beaks skyward only to find whitish-yellow droppings from heaven. Meow.