Thursday, July 15, 2004

Why I shouldn’t Read other Blogs

I had in mind a few things on which to comment today.  But in my attempt to sit down and relax, I read a few blogs. And I ran into some captivating stuff. Now my mind is being pulled in a dozen different directions. So what do I say? What do I do? What Would Swansmith Do? Because the hour is late, I’m tempted to merely list titles as they come to mind. Succumbing to temptation:

1. Running into a celebrity, who I think was avoiding me
2. I am Augustine (for explanation see this quiz)
3. An apology for blogging
4. The long and winding red brick road
5. Adult Chatting? A response to child three
6. A tempting on-line game of political intrigue
7. I got my socks
8. Mai comes, Irvin goes
9. So I lied about a dozen


Cheri said...

Am I #3? Is this about me?

Suzi said...

Of course you are #3--who else would it be ;)?