Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Will it Be a Dark and Stormy Night?

That crazy lady that twisted my arm far enough a few months back blazed a new trail recently by starting a second blog.  Blogging for Light has been up and running for a few weeks now and is receiving numerous accolades.  Check it out.  This same wacky woman has lured me into doing something similar.  For quite a while I’ve thought about writing more on some of my chief interests, such as theology, church history or new techniques in the application of drywall compounds.  I’ve thought about interspersing these passions in with my daily blog, but I hated to destroy the mundane tone that I’ve worked so hard to establish.  But who knows, maybe someday.

But now, of late, my mind has gone in a completely different direction.  Sparked in part by my visitation with dear Mark, the 50 year old, I’ve rethought and reworked something I’ve dreamed of doing for a long time.  And if things go as planned, maybe this will not take the energy of say a treatise on St. Augustine or the history of Gnosticism.

It has been decades since I’ve attempted any writing of fiction.  I was never any good at it, and I’m still not qualified in any sense of the word.  But I share with that crazy woman a love for the printed word.  We are both addicts.  Set something on the table with words on it and we fight over who can read it first.

So, in short, what I’d like to do is set up something where others can generate sentences or paragraphs for a short story.  These can be entered through the comment lines on the new blog.  I will start a story and try to add in the donated lines that I receive. 

I along with that fabulous female under my roof actually did something like this as a party game many years ago, and it was a blast.  The twenty or thirty people we had at our house loved it and thought it would be fun to do again.  Well, 15 years later, maybe we can do this online.

I’m not sure how this will actually work, so I’m open to suggestions.  But I’ll get things rolling; and with the editing skills of the Resident Warden, we might be able to put together something of interest.  I’m thinking of naming the blog, “It was a Dark and Story Night.”


Suzi said...

Okay, come on now! Where is the link? I'm itching to get started!

The crazy lady

Cheri said...

Sounds like fun! As long as you do all the work, count me in.