Wednesday, June 09, 2004

A balding head’s no cause for dread

One of the wall hangings in our home that has endured these last 15 years or so contains the title, “A balding head’s no cause for dread.” It has hung proudly in our main bathroom, outlasting many paint jobs. It looks good with almond, white, pink, or blue walls. I finally moved it a few weeks ago, from the north wall of the bathroom to the east. Now you can stare at it as you do your business (in the seated position.) The potion advertised on this plaque guarantees hair growth in record time. It has offered hope these many years. But to no avail.

However, good news arrived today by way of e-mail. A wise friend who is ever-current on cultural trends made me aware of the State of Montana’s bold, ground-breaking stance. This state has offered to its citizens the right, yea even the choice, to proudly proclaim chrome dome on fishing and driving licenses. No longer do the Jesse Ventura’s of the world need to lift their arms high to answer the question at the DMV regarding hair color. We can only hope that a visionary legislator from the great State of MN will put forth similar legislation here. Or, I would even accept a ruling from some activist judge trying to make his mark upon our heads.

We head south soon for our first camping trip of the season. Our outing has reminded me of a relatively new blog by Doug Pagitt titled: “Camping Mocks the Homeless.” It’s worth a look. One of the early responses to this site has stuck with me. A North Carolinian commented that “blogging mocks the illiterate.” In pondering this insight, I’ve wondered if my blog mocks the clueless.


Mort Reimer said...

"When a man has lost his hair and is bald, he is clean." (Leviticus 13:40)