Sunday, June 06, 2004

Working the Room

We survived Luke’s graduation party yesterday. It was fun to see so many familiar faces. My biggest regret is that they all “came at once”--within the 7 hour span that is. Scheduled from 4 – 8, the hours were closer to 3:45 to 10:45. But with that many people, it was good to have them more spread out.

I felt a little like a billiard ball bouncing around from room to room at least saying ‘hi’ to each person. It’s exhausting. One of my friends showed up midway through the party and immediately, in true political style, went from one end of room to the other shaking each hand as if he wanted us to vote for him. I told him the babies were in the basement ready to be kissed. I think he took it well. In short, I wish I had his energy.

My uncle Bill and his wife Char were able to attend. He is only one year my senior, so growing up he was more like a cousin than an uncle. As we’ve aged, we’ve hit it off better, and it’s amazing some times how similar we think. We have both recently purchased new camcorders. And with the hundreds of different brands and models available, we both ended up with the same model (different serial numbers.) I guess I have to credit it to the good sense of German logic.

I could tell a hundred stories, but you’ve probably all heard them before. Luke, Suzi, and I all had a great time at the free-for-all that seemed like a cross between the old “Big Fat GERMAN weddings” of my childhood and a church potluck around the smorgasbord.