Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Ice Age Endeth

We finally received a pleasant day in the Twin Cities after what seems like weeks of SADD-producing weather. The blues skies caused my mind to wander as I wondered what that yellow thing is. Taking advantage of the inclement weather this weekend, my brother took his family to see the movie, “The Day After Tomorrow.” I hear the special effects are incredible. I was wondering though, do the people who find such a scenario plausible (ultra-rapid climate change) also believe that the world’s climate stayed constant enough (within fairly narrow temperature parameters) to sustain life on this planet for billions of years? Just wondering.

And then I heard on the news yesterday that a judge ruled that the law banning partial-birth abortion was unconstitutional. I was wondering if this is unfair, at least if the aborted was female. By aborting females, are we not taking away their right to choose? What if the aborted would have wanted to have an abortion someday? We would be taking away that right. Right?

And then as a regular reader of the Minneapolis Star Tribune, I’m constantly kept abreast of the latest within Gay, Lesbian, Transsexual, Transgender communities. With the huge push toward same sex marriage of late, I wonder what their greatest motivating factor is. Do the unconventional couples really want their relationship made official? Are they not failing to look far enough ahead? When this nation implements Islamic law, do they want that proof against them? They might loose their heads (or other body parts) over such a stand. Call me curious.

I’ll probably regret touching on touchy subjects, but I won’t know unless I go ahead and submit this blog. Call me stupid.


Suzi said...

I won't call you stupid. I'll call you brave.


Your Tim(e) Has Come said...

Suzi, I appreciate the sentiment, but I wouldn't call it brave. It doesn't take a lot of courage to hit a few keys on this board. Now standing up to a spouse, that takes bravery, or foolhardiness. Just kidding, lots of love. 8)